Where is the sugar intake coming from?

Nowadays it is getting harder and harder to find food that does not include sugar. Added sugar is everywhere and it can sometimes be hard to avoid. Our recommendation is, if you are not sure how much sugar it includes, always read the ingredient label on the food. Don’t let the product trick you if it says “healthy,” “organic,” or “vegan” because those products can still include a lot of sugar.

A few years back there was research done in the USA by the American Society for Nutrition where they gathered a list of food and drinks that hold the most amount of sugar. On the list were items such as soda, sports drinks, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, sauces and toppings, yeast bread, and cereals. This research showed us that high doses of sugar are not only found in candy and cola drinks, but in items, we might not even expect. 

We need to be aware of how we pick our food and be thoughtful of the choices we make. Try to avoid too much unintentional sugar intake by eating clean, whole foods. Prepare as much as you can at home and read the labels carefully if you buy something ready from the store.


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