5 Self-care tips

Easy, but often forgotten, self-care tips that can have a huge impact on your day

As women, we are all managing so many different things every single day. It is easy to get lost in our daily responsibilities and forget or not make space for our self-care.  Self-care needs attention like everything else we do and we need to allow ourselves to prioritize it without feeling guilty about it.  

Self-care to restore

Self-care is your way to recognize your physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional needs and listen to what you need to do in order to maintain and restore your well-being. It is your way to stay connected with yourself and your needs, where your priority is to serve the body and soul the way it deserves.

Self-care does not have to cost anything or take a lot of time. Here are a few suggestions that you could do that will help you connect better to yourself and take care of your well-being:

  1. Sit down in peace and quiet

It can be hard to squeeze in the time to do sit down in peace and quiet, especially when you have kids. It’s so tempting to get everything done at home after the kids fall asleep and then just go directly to bed.  But once the kids are asleep use the opportunity. Reserve 5-7 minutes in the evening where you turn off the lights, sit down, close your eyes and just breathe. You can try out the Withsara meditations or breathwork classes or simply just sit and enjoy the silence. It’s the best connection moment you can have with yourself and will strengthen you and benefit you in so many ways.

2. Move your body

Your body needs movement and exercise. The benefits are endless. On busy days it feels like there is no way to squeeze in a workout. But be realistic, when you are busy and things are hectic, is probably when you need to move your body the most. You only need to find 10-15 minutes where you stretch, do yoga or a Mini series. Afterwards you will feel like you have restored your energy. You deserve some me time after a long day and there is no better way than to move, get rid of physical and mental tension, clear your head and sweat a little bit. 

3. Skin routine in the evening

It is so calming to do a little evening skin routine.  Of course, a long routine is not always possible.  We can all find time before bed for cleaning our faces and applying our favorite cream. There is just something extra special about lying down on the pillow with a clean and hydrated face.

4. Socialize when you feel like it

On days where you feel like you have energy and the urge to socialize, make sure you do! Your friends are so important and can leave you feeling so much better than before the meet-up.

5. Get some fresh air

To go outside for some time, get fresh air and some space can be so refreshing and grounding. You can go for a short walk, run or bike ride just anything to allow yourself to get the fresh air. It can help with tiredness and headaches and get your head straight. Try to take 10 minutes off your next lunch break to get some fresh air.

Find what works for you

Of course, there are so many other ways to do self-care.  Find what works best for you every day.  By including self-care into your routine you will feel more in line with what your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs are. It is not selfish to take this time for yourself. It is essential and will only benefit you in every aspect of your life. 

Once you become more in line with yourself, and more connected to yourself, the more you will know what you want and have a clearer vision and stronger perspective in all parts of your life. No one else can take the lead on your self-care, it all starts with you. That is the beauty of self-care, you are in charge.


Meditation evening routine


Kale salad with quinoa and hummus