Get ready for the challenge
We are so excited to start the September challenge with you. The goal of the challenge is for you to get into a good routine for fall, get inspired with different kinds of workouts that you can do from home, find the motivation to make healthy food and snacks, and most importantly prioritize your health.
5 things to keep in mind before starting the challenge
Set intention before you start
Set yourself an intention before you start the challenge. It can be anything. Write it down and go back to it anytime you need inspiration during the challenge.
Find the real reason for joining
Find your reason why you are participating in the challenge. Your reason will be your motivation on days you feel like you are lacking motivation.
Be prepared
Prepare everything you will need for the challenge. The good thing about the Withsara workouts is that they don’t require any equipment but if you want you can use a mat and set of weights.
Decide your time beforehand
It can be helpful to decide at what time you will do your workouts. Reserve 30 minutes on your workout days to make sure that you will prioritize the class that day.
Have the right mindset
Be open-minded when entering the challenge. Some days you have a lot of energy and others you have less. It is okay to modify exercises and on days when you have two classes to choose from (one advanced and one intermediate) make sure to listen carefully to the body.
We would love to follow your journey during the challenge so please tag @withsaraofficial in your IG photos or stories!